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Lefty Loosie "100 Miles an Hour" 12"

2007 - Repulsion Records - They killed it at the old Charm City Art Space! Review from Razorcake: Previously, Lefty Loosie bridged the gap between The Soviettes and Pinhead Gunpowder (I don’t know if there was much of a gap to begin with, but they still bridged it). Now, this LP lives up to its title; while the heartfelt lyrics are still there, the rock is amped up to full speed, kinda like if Bent Outta Shape chugged a bunch of Buzz Cola and admitted they owned records that weren’t by The Replacements. This record is as perfect for a warm summer night as it is for drinking beers after a breakup.

Track Listing: For Evan Wherever I May Find Him, It's Okay, Nothing New, Fourteen Days, Bright Futures Mature Aspirations, God is Laughing, Tired, Wasted, Call and Response, It's a Mess, Andy's Deathray, Celibated Summer, The Ballad of Forget Me Now